ND Care & Support Win Tender for Domiciliary Care in Caerphilly and Blaenau Gwent
Have you heard our exciting news?
We are pleased to announce that ND Care & Support has recently been successful in winning a tender for delivering domiciliary care services in Caerphilly and Blaenau Gwent. The tender is a Framework Agreement with the Blaenau Gwent and Caerphilly Local Authorities, allowing us to deliver care services in these areas. This is fantastic news for our ND Care & Support Abertillery branch, as it safeguards their current services and enables us to continue growing in this area, alongside our Cardiff branch.
What is the Tender for Domiciliary Care in Caerphilly and Blaenau Gwent?
The tender was a public sector procurement exercise carried out jointly with Caerphilly and Blaenau Gwent Local Authorities. As a public sector contract, the tender was open for any care provider to apply and we feel very proud and fortunate to have successfully won our bid. Public sector tenders are always significant pieces of work and we saw a fantastic team effort from Rebecca Ford, Ken Price, Zenzy Flower, Jennifer Hards, Melissa Brake and Odette Flower, who all contributed to the tender process and made this possible for ND Care & Support. Our team pulled together to complete the application, which scored highly enough in the technical and quality-based responses to enable us to win the tender.
The new tender came into effect on 1st October 2019, opening up the opportunity for our Abertillery branch and Cardiff branch to extend their reach and deliver high-quality care services to residents in the Caerphilly area, which was previously closed to us. Branch Managers, Odette and Ken, are in the process of developing a team to manage the provision of services in the Caerphilly area. They have recently appointed a new Field Care Supervisor – Zoe Jordan, and a Care Coordinator – Nicola Price, and they have also been busy recruiting care staff to ensure that they will be in a position to start delivering services very shortly.

What does the new tender mean for ND Care & Support?
As successful winners of the tender, we now need to become a more responsive and flexible service to meet our growing demands and responsibilities in the Caerphilly area. We are already working on this by introducing PASSsystem, our digital care planning tool that will revolutionise the way we work, collaborate and communicate, and we are in the process of rolling out e-learning to enable our care staff to have access to quicker and more efficient training opportunities. We are also working with our Compliance team to support the roll out of ‘Access Screening’ which will speed up the application process for our care staff and enable us to hit the ground running with care provision in the Caerphilly and Blaenau Gwent areas.
Our aim is to now establish ourselves as a provider of high-quality care within these regions, enhance our reputation as a care provider of choice, and offer further employment opportunities for local people in the communities in which we work. ND Care & Support Director, Rebecca Ford, commented:
‹ Previous articleNext article ›“This is a very exciting time for our teams. This tender has offered us a fantastic opportunity to work in a brand-new geographical area, increasing our brand and market share, but more importantly, safeguarding our Abertillery branch and ensuring we can continue delivering care services for years to come. Not only this, but we are very excited to be able to make a positive impact on the local communities of Caerphilly and Blaenau Gwent, both to Care Workers and service users”.